Before hundreds of Hunger Hikers hit the road for the 3K Walk, several dignitaries shared their excitement & offered remarks on the importance of this event.
Pictured L to R: Dave Kucik, Purdue Crew Team & Rowing coach, Purdue Pete, Fr. Patrick Baikauskas, OP, pastor/director of campus ministries, St. Thomas Aquinas; Nadine Morgan, Purdue Women’s Basketball assoc. head coach; Dave Shondell, Purdue Volleyball coach; Judge Faith Graham; Joe Micon, LUM executive director; Peter Bunder, West Lafayette City Council president; Sheila Klinker, Indiana State Representative; Katy Bunder, Food Finders Food Bank executive director; Nancy Nargi, Lafayette City Council member; and Mayor Tony Roswarski, City of Lafayette. Not pictured: Dave Byers, Tippecanoe County Commissioner and Ron Alting, Indiana State Senator.
Special thanks to all of our dignitaries and Shamus from K105 Radio for their continued support of Hunger Hike.